Currently Swindleeeee!!!!! is hosted on a server I administer, and uses the WordPress blogging software. Over the years I’ve grown tired of maintaining my own blogging configuration, and some time ago I wrote that I was considering moving this blog to the blog hosting service. That time has now come. I have imported all my old blog posts and comments to my new blog, and am about to throw the switch on the actual move.

Note that the domain name of the blog will remain, and in fact all the existing URLs should remain the same. This means (among other things) that those of you using RSS feed readers should not need to do anything; once the domain is switched to point to the blog you should see future posts automatically.

I’m planning to make the actual change this morning (Thursday January 17) a few hours from now, and then I’ll do another post to mark completion of the migration. If you don’t see that next post by midnight US Eastern time on Thursday then please send me an email message at hecker (at) hecker (dot) org, and I’ll try to debug the problem.