Shahan Rizvi’s sign, winner of the 2018 contest for best-looking Howard County campaign sign. (Click for a higher-resolution version.)
tl;dr: I reveal the winner of the vote for best-looking Howard Couny 2018 campaign sign.
. . . and it’s the sign for Shahan Rizvi, candidate for Democratic Central Committee. His sign got 37% of the total vote. Congratulations Shahan on your victory!

Byron Macfarlane’s and Sabina Taj’s signs, runners-up in the 2018 contest for best-looking Howard County campaign sign. (Click for a higher-resolution version.)
The next two highest vote-getters were the signs for Byron Macfarlane (28% of the total vote) and Sabina Taj (15%). Condolences to Byron and Sabina: your signs looked good, but I think Shahan’s highly-effective get-out-the-vote efforts made all the difference.
Thanks to all of you who participated in the voting not just in the final round but in earlier rounds as well. I hope you enjoyed these posts!
Now I’ll be back to posting on other matters. If you want to keep up with my future posts (which I doubt will be nearly this interesting) you can follow me as @hecker on Twitter. I’ll also post any Howard County-relevant stuff in the Howard County Facebook group.