This will take a bit of explanation: Jorie Graham is a well-known American poet (well, at least among people who read poetry) who has a refined and sophisticated image ("… raised in Rome, Italy and educated in French schools … studied philosophy at the Sorbonne …"). So I was surprised today to find that she’s on Twitter and tweets a lot, primarily about political stuff.

(Her Twitter profile doesn’t even mention that she’s a poet; in fact it has no biographical information about her at all. But if you look at her past tweets and who she follows, you’ll know that she’s “our” Jorie Graham.)

I found it quite amusing to think of “one of the most celebrated poets of the American post-war generation” retired (she’s 72) and sitting at home sipping a glass of wine, obsessively watching MSNBC and tweeting about the mid-terms and how to get the most impact out of your political donations.

PS to any Anifam discord folks reading this: I’ll be featuring Graham in a future Sunday night poetry post.