[Except for a response to an ask, this was the last thing I posted on Cohost before it went read-only on October 1, 2024.]
This is my last post on Cohost. I thought about writing something longer, and also highlighting people who were my mutuals and whose posts and comments I enjoyed. But I just don’t have the energy for it, and in any case I hope to resume our conversation in other places, whatever those places may be. I will only say that I have enjoyed writing on Cohost more than I have ever enjoyed writing on any other “social media” site, for reasons I laid out in a previous post. Put simply, I will miss Cohost, and I don’t know if I will find a suitable replacement for it.
In the meantime, you can find my idle comments on Bluesky at @frankhecker.com, my yuri reviews at Okazu, and my other writings and (hopefully) permanent online presence at frankhecker.com.
Thank you @staff for creating Cohost, thank you my followers for finding something interesting in what I write and then bothering to reshare or comment on it, and thank you those whom I followed for your writings in turn. Until we meet again . . .
Iro (@Iro) - 2024-09-29 16:48
I’m getting an error off your RSS feed, for what it’s worth
Frank Hecker (@hecker) - 2024-09-30 16:02
Ugh. Can you tell me what feed reader you’re using, and what the error message is? (If you’re too late to comment on Cohost, feel free to email me or ping me on Bluesky.)
Iro (@Iro) - 2024-09-30 16:04
Using Feedbro plugin on Firefox, it’s telling me:
URL https://frankhecker.com/index.xml is not a valid feed and contains no feed links.
If I just click on your feed button and not try to add it to a reader or anything then I get this error
Frank Hecker (@hecker) - 2024-09-30 16:10
Thanks for the additional info! The feed works OK in some readers (like Reeder), so I suspect it is not quite 100% compatible with other feed readers in ways I’ll need to track down. As for the error message, it’s possible that it’s due to my leaving off the “https://frankhecker.com” part of the URL when linking to images (and posts) elsewhere on the site.
Thanks again for reporting this. I will look at it as soon as I have time.