I wished that an AI could help me write about Madoka Magica

I got my wish, but I’m not ready to sign a contract just yet.

2021-07-18 · 16 min · Frank Hecker

No more “Civility and Truth”

I’m renaming my blog and closing down my Substack newsletter.

2021-06-19 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

Boy’s Own Brexit, Part 2

The UK goes it alone (but not really).

2021-01-01 · 14 min · Frank Hecker

A new plan for Symphony Woods

The Inner Arbor Trust is revising its plans for Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods to reflect new realities.

2020-12-12 · 18 min · Frank Hecker

Final thoughts on Mozilla (for now)

Updating my analysis to reflect the renewal of the Google deal.

2020-08-30 · 6 min · Frank Hecker