GGP and zoning referendums

I meant my last post to be my final word on voter referendums, ballot initiatives, and other forms of direct democracy. However I found something interesting in my researches that I can’t recall ever reading about in the whole debate about Columbia Town Center redevelopment and the proposed initiative to repeal the Howard County council’s approval of (a slightly modified version of) the proposal put forth by General Growth Partners. It turns out that this is not the only zoning referendum controversy that GGP has been involved in. In particular, several years ago in Glendale, California, GGP tried to play the referendum game to its own advantage in a dispute with fellow retail developer Caruso Affiliated. To quote from the Glendale News Press story marking the final chapter in the story: ...

2010-05-24 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

What would the Founders think about the Taxpayer Protection Initiative?

I’ve probably already spent too much time on the proposed Howard County Taxpayer Protection Initiative, but there was one point brought up by an anonymous commenter on Wordbones’s blog post that I thought was worth addressing. Briefly, the commenter’s argument was that ballot initiatives and other forms of direct democracy were a perfectly valid way to counter a “government that did not heed the word of the people,” and that anyone who thought differently should hold their tongue until they educated themselves by reading the US Constitution, the Federalist Papers, and DeTocqueville, and taking some university courses on the subject. ...

2010-05-23 · 7 min · Frank Hecker

To the anonymous commenters of Howard County

Coming from the world of open source and Internet security to dabble in the waters of Howard County affairs, I was surprised by the predominance of anonymous comments on local HoCo blogs. I can only conclude that some local bloggers aren’t aware of why allowing anonymous comments is bad, that some commenters don’t know the value of using a consistent identity (fake or real), or that some commenters are willfully disrespectful of online social norms around using a consistent identifier (fake or real). This post is a primer for the first two groups, and a warning to the third. ...

2010-05-19 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

Why the Taxpayer Protection Initiative is a bad idea

Recently Wordbones blogged about a proposed “Taxpayer Protection Initiative” that Howard County Republicans would like to put on the November ballot. The basic proposal (as outlined in a Baltimore Sun story) is to change the Howard County charter to require a supermajority of four county council members (out of five) to approve any county tax increases. (By the way, does the Howard County Republican party have its own page to explain and promote this initiative? I couldn’t find one on its web site, and Google was no help.) ...

2010-05-18 · 11 min · Frank Hecker

Thomas P. M. Barnett and the case for globalization

I have a fondness for “big thinkers” and theories that attempt to reflect, integrate, and address a wide variety of phenomena. In the area of national security (broadly defined) my favorite “guru” is Thomas P. M. Barnett. Those looking for a concise summary of his self-described calling as “grand strategist” and his view of the world in the 21st century (including America’s critical role within it) should check out an interview with Barnett that appeared in EnlightenNext magazine, along with the accompanying introduction. ...

2010-05-10 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Greg Sandow on the future of classical music

I’ve been reading Greg Sandow’s blog posts for a little while, and today checked out his “riffs” on the book he’s writing, Rebirth: The Future of Classical Music. I found the riff on chapter 3 (“The Culture Ran Away From Us”) the most interesting one thus far, because it discusses some of the questions around how the mainstream classical music community (institutions, performers, composers, and audience) has gotten separated from contemporary culture, in a way that other arts have not. ...

2010-04-13 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

eMusic to offer streaming?

In reading the recent New York Post article “EMusic mulls sale as digital market shifts” (pointed to by eMusic subscriber okierambler in a recent message board thread), the most interesting part to me was actually at the very end of the article: Sources said eMusic’s backers . . . are also seriously considering adding a streaming component in a bid to build upon its recent growth. . . . According to sources, the streaming component would be a value-added feature for premium subscribers. ...

2010-01-02 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

Leaving Mozilla

Just a quick note to let all of you know that I’ll soon be leaving the Mozilla Foundation to take a new position as a sales engineer in the Federal sales group at IronKey. My last day at the Foundation will be Friday, December 11. Those of you with whom I worked pre-Mozilla know that this is a return to what I’ve done for most of my career (and I’ll be working with folks I’ve enjoyed working with previously). It’s been fun and interesting to work at Mozilla, but it’s time to move on. ...

2009-12-05 · 4 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Education: Looking back and ahead

I’m currently working on putting together a draft plan for Mozilla Education activities in 2010. I’m a bit blocked on coming up with a coherent plan, so I thought I’d try to unblock myself by blogging my thoughts on the subject. These are informed by the recent feedback on Mozilla Education I solicited from several Mozilla folks, as well as the Mozilla Education 2009 report I wrote earlier. Note that I’m thinking out loud here, so this will be somewhat long and rambling. ...

2009-12-03 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

One final day for Jetpack for Learning submissions

We received a lot of submissions for the Jetpack for Learning Design Challenge just prior to last night’s deadline. In order to accomodate last-minute entries, we’ve decided to further extend the deadline through midnight (US Pacific time) tonight, Tuesday, December 1. There will be no further extensions. We’ve received a lot of good submissions thus far, and the Jetpack for Learning team is hard at work preparing for the next phase of the challenge. ...

2009-12-01 · 1 min · Frank Hecker