Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2008/02/01

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending February 1, 2008. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. CAs and related issues I worked on CA applications from GlobalSign, Digicert, SECOM Trust, and S-TRUST. Public communications Among other things, David worked on improvements to, including updating the Projects page with two new Featured Mozilla-Based Applications, submitting a patch to replace the Products section with Projects (bug 325485), and coordinating with fantasai concerning the About page content (bug 231131 and bug 414439). Conferences and events Zak worked on preparations for several upcoming events in which the Mozilla Foundation might participate, including OSCON. Upcoming trips and events I’ll be attending (at least part of) the CSUN conference March 10-15 in Los Angeles CA, the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1 in Silver Spring MD, and the Berkman@10 conference May 15-16 in Boston MA. Zak will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo February 8-10 in Los Angeles, the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14 in Montreal, and other events later in 2008. A reminder: We’re still accepting donations to the Mozilla Foundation through our directed giving program. Help support Bugzilla, Camino, SeaMonkey, and the Mozilla accessibility project, as well as general Foundation activities for the coming year. ...

2008-02-04 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Out of context

In the past I’ve discussed several ways in which I think eMusic could improve itself for the benefit of both its customers and its suppliers (i.e., the music labels and the artists). Recently I read three interesting posts that touch on this subject. The first (to which this post is dedicated) is from Ian Rogers of Yahoo!, recapping his presentation at the Aspen Live conference in December: Today users are creating tremendous value and for the most part we’re ignoring it. They’re writing blogs about your artists, putting bios on Wikipedia, documenting last night’s concert on Flickr and video sharing sites, showing what songs are most popular by their behavior on, building “box sets” on community sites, etc. How has the music industry leveraged this? What tools have you created to enable or encourage it? ...

2008-02-04 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2008/01/25

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 25, 2008. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. CAs and related issues I reviewed the applications from QuoVadis, Digicert, and Trustwave, tentatively approved them, and started the public comment periods prior to final approval. For more information see bugs 403665, 403644, and 409837/409838/409840 respectively. Public communications David Boswell participated in a planning meeting for improvements to Other David is now in California and will be working out of the Mozilla office in Mountain View (once he gets settled). Upcoming trips and events I’ll be attending (at least part of) the CSUN conference March 10-15 in Los Angeles CA, and the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1 in Silver Spring MD. Zak will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo February 8-10 in Los Angeles, the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14 in Montreal, and other events later in 2008. A reminder: We’re still accepting donations to the Mozilla Foundation through our directed giving program. Help support Bugzilla, Camino, SeaMonkey, and the Mozilla accessibility project, as well as general Foundation activities for the coming year. ...

2008-01-28 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2008/01/18

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 18, 2008. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. Grants and related expenditures I’m happy to announce a major new grant from the Mozilla Foundation to NV Access to support development of the NVDA open source screen reader for Windows; the NVDA developers blog has all the details. Scott Haeger completed the final milestone on his Foundation-funded project to improve rich document browsing in the Orca screen reader for Linux. For more information see the GNOME wiki pages for Firefox 3.0 ARIA widget support in Orca, Firefox 3.0 Live Region support in Orca, and integrating the Collection interface into Orca. Codethink Ltd completed its Foundation-funded study on the feasibility of migrating the AT-SPI accessibility API to use D-Bus. I got a grant agreement in place for another major new grant to be announced later. CAs and related issues I reviewed the applications from KISA and WISeKey, tentatively approved them, and started the two-week public comment periods prior to final approval. For more information see bugs 335197 and 371362 respectively. Other Gerv is recovering well from his recent surgery. David moved out to California (not without some excitement). I completed my migration to Google Apps, as discussed in my last status report. (However I’ve postponed my blog migration for a week or two until I have more spare time.) Upcoming trips and events I’ll be attending (at least part of) the CSUN conference March 10-15 in Los Angeles CA, and the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1 in Silver Spring MD. Zak will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo February 8-10 in Los Angeles, the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14 in Montreal, and other events later in 2008. A reminder: We’re still accepting donations to the Mozilla Foundation through our directed giving program. Help support Bugzilla, Camino, SeaMonkey, and the Mozilla accessibility project, as well as general Foundation activities for the coming year. ...

2008-01-22 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Swindleeeee!!!!! migration is now complete

The migration of Swindleeeee!!!!! to is now complete. The domain now redirects to the new blog, as do variant spellings such as (four ‘e’s) or (six ‘e’s). Your RSS newsreader may show you the last few posts again as it picks up the new feed, but otherwise everything should just work without any need for you to change feed URLs, bookmarks, links in your own posts, etc. If you do encounter any problems please send me email at hecker (at) hecker (dot) org. ...

2008-01-17 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Last post before Swindleeeee!!!!! moves to

Currently Swindleeeee!!!!! is hosted on a server I administer, and uses the WordPress blogging software. Over the years I’ve grown tired of maintaining my own blogging configuration, and some time ago I wrote that I was considering moving this blog to the blog hosting service. That time has now come. I have imported all my old blog posts and comments to my new blog, and am about to throw the switch on the actual move. ...

2008-01-17 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2008/01/11

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 11, 2008. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. Grants and related expenditures I worked on more paperwork for new Foundation grants (to be announced). Steve Lee published a report on his Foundation-funded Jambu on-screen keyboard project. I got grant agreements in place for two new grants (to be announced later), finished a grant agreement for one more, and received proposals for more grants. CAs and related issues I started going through the EV-related CA applications to see which were most ready for approval. Public communications David Boswell worked on more changes to, including changes to the Timeline and Projects pages and a new Mozilla-Based Applications page. Other I was out part of the week on family business, and also lost some time dealing with system problems affecting email. Upcoming trips and events David Boswell will be moving out to California Real Soon Now. I’ll be attending at least part of the CSUN conference March 10-15 in Los Angeles CA, and the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1 in Silver Spring MD. Zak will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo February 8-10 in Los Angeles, the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14 in Montreal, and other events later in 2008. Random notes Due to intermittent but annoying problems, I’m about to make two major changes to my current system setup. First, several months ago I started using Gmail as my preferred mail interface, using address aliases and mail forwarding to avoid having to change my canonical email address, and running my old IMAP server configuration in parallel. I’ve now decided to stop trying to run my own mail server, and as of this week I’m switching to Google Apps to provide email and other services for my domain. All of my existing email addresses will continue to work, so this should be a transparent switch unless something goes wrong. ...

2008-01-14 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2008/01/04

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 4, 2008. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. Grants and related expenditures I got grant agreements in place for two new grants (to be announced later), finished a grant agreement for one more, and received proposals for more grants. Licensing and legal I worked with Gerv on a plan to make progress on the proposed replacement for the CVS contributor form, with Gerv contributing drafts of related documents. CAs and related issues I approved the application for inclusion from TÜRKTRUST and filed bug 410821 to have the TÜRKTRUST certificates added to NSS. Public communications David worked on more proposed changes to Other Zak coordinated proposed Mozilla Foundation participation in various 2008 conferences and other events. Upcoming trips and events I’ll be attending the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1 in Silver Spring MD. Zak will be speaking at the Southern California Linux Expo February 8-10 in Los Angeles, the PHP Quebec Conference March 12-14 in Montreal, and other events later in 2008. A final note: Although 2007 has ended, we’re still accepting donations to the Mozilla Foundation through our directed giving program. Help support Bugzilla, Camino, SeaMonkey, and the Mozilla accessibility project, as well as general Foundation activities for the coming year. ...

2008-01-07 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/12/28

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the weeks ending December 14, December 21, and December 28, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on in the last three weeks; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. Grants and related expenditures A number of significant grant proposals were approved in December; I’ll make public announcements on these soon and will update the 2007 grants report to reflect all 2007 activities. Eitan Isaacson completed work on a Mozilla Foundation-funded project to improve performance of the Orca open source screen reader; for more information see GNOME bugs 446277, 495077, 502924, and 491756, as well as Marco Zehe’s report on the overall improvements to Orca performance with Firefox 3. Eitan is now working on a new Foundation-funded project to enhance the Braille output of Orca, including adding support for contracted Braille. Licensing and legal I looked over the proposed replacement for the CVS contributor form to determine what’s needed to complete the project. CAs and related issues I went over the application for inclusion from TÜRKTRUST and all the public comments prior to making a final decision on approval. Web sites David Boswell worked more on proposed changes to Other Gerv had surgery and is now back home recovering. Zak worked on Mozilla Foundation participation in various upcoming events. Upcoming trips and events I’m planning to attend the Freedom to Connect conference March 31 and April 1, 2008 in Silver Spring MD.

2008-01-02 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/12/07

This is my report on activities related to the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending December 7, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a summary of what Foundation-related activities went on last week; for more information about others’ activities please see the weekly status reports published by David Boswell, Gerv Markham, and Zak Greant. Grants and related expenditures Ariel Rios completed his Foundation-funded project to add the Accessibility::Collection interface to the AT-SPI accessibility API for GNOME; for more information see GNOME bug 326516. Patrick Michaud produced a progress report on the Perl 6 work jointly funded by the Mozilla Foundation and the Perl Foundation. Zak and I worked on some new grant proposals. Licensing and legal Gerv worked on revising and updating the Mozilla license policy, to bring the document in line with current practice. CAs and related issues I approved the application for inclusion from SwissSign and filed bug 407396 to have the SwissSign CA certificates added to NSS. Web sites David Boswell worked on various changes to, including a new Mozilla Foundation home page and a new “Featured Projects” page (bug 393447). Miscellaneous We have a new #foundation IRC channel on for anyone wishing to contact us real-time. Upcoming trips and events I’m planning to be in Mountain View on December 11 (afternoon only) and 12. A final note: We have just over two weeks left in 2007 for you to donate to the Mozilla Foundation through our directed giving program and support Bugzilla, Camino, SeaMonkey, and the Mozilla accessibility project. ...

2007-12-11 · 2 min · Frank Hecker