Now that Amazon has opened a beta version of its MP3 store and everybody else has commented on it (see for example Hypebot’s roundup, as well as good takes from Duke Listens! and Digital Audio Insider) I wanted to revisit my earlier Amazon predictions. So without further ado here’s the scorecard:
I predicted variable single track pricing from 60-75 cents for back catalog material, $1 for most material, and $2-3 for hot singles. Amazon instead seems to have opted for a standard price of $0.89, slightly undercutting the iTunes Store price for DRM-protected tracks, and significantly less than the iTunes Store price for DRM-free tracks. I predicted use of a single DRM-free format, namely MP3 at some high bit rate. This was an easy prediction, and I don’t deserve any credit for making it. I predicted that Amazon would offer variable pricing on digital albums, with album prices ranging from $2-3 at the low end to $10 at the high end, with the eventual maximum being in the $5-7 range. Amazon in fact is offering a limited form of variable pricing on digital albums, with most albums being $8.99 (again, slightly undercutting the iTunes Store) but some albums priced under $5. Note that these are true albums, not EPs; for example, Joanna Newsom’s Ys (only five songs, but they’re long ones) is sold for $9.99 at the iTunes Store but is only $4.95 at Amazon MP3. A less extreme example is the Decemberists’ The Crane Wife, a 12-song album that’s $9.99 at the iTunes Store but only $7.99 at Amazon MP3. I also predicted that Amazon would offer a discount on the digital album for people buying the corresponding CDs. This is not the case: If you want both the CD and the digital album you have to buy both separately at the standard prices. As I noted in my post offering such discounts on a regular basis would likely require changes to standard music licensing schemes, so their absence is not surprising. I predicted that Amazon would offer a sort-of-subscription plan with discounts (and/or free tracks) to people willing to commit to volume purchases. This is not part of the initial Amazon offering; Amazon has never offered this for books (to my knowledge), so it’s possible it may never be offered for digital music either. (Amazon does offer “club prices” for members of the CDNow Preferred Buyer’s Club. As I understand it, this is a function of Amazon’s having taken over operation of CDNow’s store, not an Amazon-native program.) Finally, I predicted that Amazon would leverage its existing technologies to provide two value-added services: backing up music libraries using Amazon S3, and personalized music recommendations using the Mechanical Turk service. Nothing like this is part of the initial MP3 store; in fact, Duke Listens! points out that Amazon currently doesn’t do a very good job of recommending new or future MP3 releases that might be of interest. Overall I’m a pretty poor predictor, although in my defense I was deliberately trying to be over the top a bit in terms of suggesting things Amazon might do to differentiate itself from existing services.