Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/02/16

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending February 16, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Grants and related activities. This was a big week for Mozilla Foundation-funded projects. Charles Chen finished up his project to create test cases for WAI ARIA live regions; this work promises to help advance the cause of enhancing accessibility for web-based applications that make heavy use of dynamic updating, and is receiving some good feedback. Shortly thereafter Alexander Surkov finished his project to improve XForms accessibility, and we approved a new project in which he’ll work on implementing the IAccessible2 accessibility API for Windows in Mozilla code. IAccessible2 is an extremely strategic technology from the point of view of accessibility; for a more in-depth discussion see the newsgroup message by Aaron Leventhal and blog posts by Rich Schwerdtfeger of IBM and Peter Korn of Sun. We also approved another project for Gijs Kruitbosch to improve the accessibility of the ChatZilla IRC client; this is important for present and future Mozilla developers who use screen readers and other assistive technologies and who want to participate more fully in developer discussions. Finally, in non-accessibility news Henri Sivonen will be presenting at XTech 2007 on his Mozilla Foundation-funded work to create an HTML5 conformance checker. ...

2007-02-21 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/02/09

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending February 9, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Grants and related activities. Same as last week: I worked on grant proposals already received, and also prepared for our Mozilla Foundation presence at the 2007 CSUN conference. Next action(s): Have the board consider a new accessibility-related grant proposal. ...

2007-02-12 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/02/02

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending February 2, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Grants and related activities. Same as last week: I worked on grant proposals already received, and also prepared for our Mozilla Foundation presence at the 2007 CSUN conference. Also, Alexander Surkov is close to finishing up his Mozilla Foundation-funded work on XForms accessibility. ...

2007-02-05 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/01/26

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 26, 2007. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did these past two weeks: Grants and related activities. I worked on grant proposals already received, and also prepared for our Mozilla Foundation presence at the 2007 CSUN conference. Next action(s): One more grant proposal to consider, plus follow-up on stuff we’ve already funded. ...

2007-01-29 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/01/19

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 19, 2007. Note that this was an abbreviated week because I had to take some vacation time to handle matters related to our new house. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did these past two weeks: Grants and related activities. I worked on paperwork related to the grants I mentioned last week. I also got one more accessibility-related grant proposal to consider, and started preparations for our Mozilla Foundation presence at the 2007 CSUN conference. ...

2007-01-22 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/01/12

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 12, 2007, as well as for the previous week ending January 5. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did these past two weeks: Grants and related activities. I’m pleased to announce that the Mozilla Foundation will be making a grant to the Adaptive Technology Resource Centre of the University of Toronto, to help support development of accessibility enhancements to the popular Dojo toolkit. ...

2007-01-16 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2007/01/05

Due to the holiday season my activities have been relatively light. I’ve therefore skipped doing a separate report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending January 5, 2007; see the report for the week ending January 12, 2007.

2007-01-16 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/12/29

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending December 29, 2006, as well as for the previous week ending December 22. As with the week ending December 15, almost all of my time was taken up with internal matters. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did these past two weeks: Strategy. I did some over-the-holidays thinking about possible future Mozilla Foundation activities, and wrote up some thoughts for the board of directors. ...

2007-01-02 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/12/22

Due to the holiday season my activities have been relatively light. I’ve therefore skipped doing a separate report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending December 22, 2006; see the report for the week ending December 29, 2006.

2007-01-02 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Amazon versus eMusic?

When I last commented on the subject of and digital music I had some rather scathing things to say"). Now, according to a Hypebot article Amazon is rumored to be rethinking its former idea of setting up yet another DRM-hobbled would-be competitor to the iTunes Store, and considering selling DRM-free MP3 tracks under a variable pricing model. Assuming that the rumors are true (not always a safe assumption), what conclusions can we draw from this? ...

2006-12-20 · 5 min · Frank Hecker