As part of my day job I try to keep track of what’s happening in the various Mozilla discussion forums. Today I happened an interesting post in the forum: “XPCOM/XUL developer needed at (New York, Manhattan).” Based on the information in the post it appears that eMusic is looking to develop future eMusic client software based on Mozilla technologies used in the Firefox browser.
My best guess is that eMusic is planning to develop a Firefox-compatible version of the eMusic toolbar for IE; such a toolbar would be developed as a Firefox extension using the technologies (XUL, XPCOM, etc.) mentioned in the job listing. (Note that an eMusic toolbar for Firefox already is available from a third party, but is not officially supported by eMusic.) A more remote possibility is that eMusic is planning to develop a standalone Mozilla-based application, e.g., a replacement for the current eMusic download manager or an eMusic equivalent to iTunes. A twist on the latter possibility is that eMusic could piggyback on the Mozilla-based Songbird media player currently in development, either adding eMusic-specific extensions to Songbird or doing an eMusic-specific version.