Prepare to be swindleeeeed

For quite some time now I’ve been a subscriber to eMusic, a digital music site that offers DRM-free MP3 tracks by artists on independent (non-major) labels. (At one point I cancelled my subscription because I wasn’t finding that much to download, but I re-joined after a few months and have been with the service ever since.) eMusic also has a quite active set of message boards, and from time to time I’ve posted on various topics, most notably my thoughts on eMusic’s business model and prospects vis-a-vis the digital music industry in general. ...

2006-06-11 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Making choice and innovation accessible to all

I previously blogged about the Mozilla Foundation and the CSUN conference on information technology and persons with disabilities. As noted in the post the Mozilla project and Firefox are really gaining traction with people concerned about web accessibility, thanks to the hard work of people like Aaron Leventhal. Inspired by Aaron’s recent interview in the online publication Voice of the Nation’s Blind, I want to take a broader view and present my thoughts on why accessibility is important for the Mozilla project, the role that Mozilla and Firefox might play in the world of assistive technology (AT) as it evolves, and what the Mozilla Foundation might do to help this process along. ...

2006-05-25 · 13 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/05/19

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending May 19, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending May 19: XTech. Gerv Markham attended the XTech conference in Amsterdam and did a blog post about his experiences. Gerv’s comments about the nature and purpose of XTech sparked a public discussion to which I contributed a comment. (Basically my point was that I’m happy with XTech as far as the Foundation is concerned; however I also see the possible usefulness of having a separate meeting focused solely on Mozilla stuff.) See also Daniel Glazman’s post responding to Gerv and Robert O’Callahan, as well as Mike Beltzner’s report on the conference itself and Tristan Nitot’s XTech wrap-up. ...

2006-05-22 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/05/12

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending May 12, 2006. This week I worked on a number of different projects, with no major theme standing out. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending May 12: Accessibility grants. Håkan Waara has been working on the project to create an implementation plan for accessibility on Mac OS X, and has published some work in progress: a comparison of accessibility architectures on our three major platforms. ...

2006-05-14 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/05/05

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending May 5, 2006. This week I worked on a number of different projects, with no major theme standing out. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending May 5: Accessibility grants. The Mozilla Foundation will be making two more accessibility-related grants. The first to improve the accessibility of the optional XForms extension; Alexander Surkov will be doing the work for this. Although XForms is not part of the default Firefox build, XForms technology is of interest to corporate and government users, and corporations and governments typically have rather stringent requirements for accessibility (e.g., the U.S. government’s Section 508 requirements). Improving XForms accessibility is therefore (among other things) an investment in promoting future adoption of Firefox in enterprise environments. ...

2006-05-08 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/04/28

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending April 28, 2006. This week I worked on a number of different projects, with no major theme standing out. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending April 28: XTech conference. Gerv Markham will be attending the XTech conference in Amsterdam May 16–19 representing the Mozilla Foundation. ...

2006-05-01 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Aaron Leventhal interview on Mozilla and web accessibility

I previously blogged about the Mozilla Foundation and the CSUN conference on information technology and persons with disabilities. As noted in the post, the Mozilla project and Firefox are really gaining traction with people concerned about web accessibility, thanks to the hard work of people like Aaron Leventhal. If you’re interested in this topic (and I think we all should be) then be sure to check out Aaron’s recent interview in the online publication Voice of the Nation’s Blind. ...

2006-04-26 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/04/21

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending April 21, 2006. The major news for this week is that we’re continuing to fund work to support improved accessibility of Firefox and other Mozilla-based products. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending April 21: Accessibility implementation plan for OS X. The Mozilla Foundation is making a small grant to fund creation of an implementation plan for improving the accessibility of Firefox and other Mozilla-based products on Mac OS X. Next action(s): Work with Aaron Leventhal to monitor the progress of the work. ...

2006-04-25 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/04/14

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending April 14, 2006. The major news for this week is the grant. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending April 14: The Mozilla Foundation board approved a $60K grant ($30K/year for two years) to the Mozdev Community Organization to support their efforts to improve the site for third-party developers of Firefox extensions and other Mozilla-related software. ...

2006-04-20 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/04/07

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending April 7, 2006. A lot of what went on last week won’t be announced until subsequent weeks; of the other stuff the most notable activities related to the Mozilla Foundation web site and a PKI conference I attended. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did the week ending April 7: ...

2006-04-11 · 2 min · Frank Hecker