Why I like Cohost

My thoughts on why Cohost is the most fun blogging site I’ve ever used.

2022-12-31 · 5 min · Frank Hecker

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the future of Europe

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth is no more, but something like it may yet rise again.

2022-12-31 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

Year-end recommendations (yuri or otherwise)

In which I recommend some yuri and other works I enjoyed in 2022.

2022-12-26 · 4 min · Frank Hecker

The liberation of the Minecraft End Poem

The story of how a game-ending poem was gifted to the world.

2022-12-19 · 7 min · Frank Hecker

AI is to the world of ideas as index funds were to investing

Will LLMs disrupt human writers as index funds disrupted stock pickers?

2022-12-11 · 8 min · Frank Hecker

Our lives are built upon the bones of millions

Our present-day prosperity was due in large part to the work of millions of young industrial workers.

2022-12-07 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

The Framework laptop and the world machine

My new laptop shows the extent to which the world in connected.

2022-12-04 · 4 min · Frank Hecker

Thailand closes the Yuri GAP

With GAP: The Series, Thailand creates a GL show to rival its BL shows.

2022-12-02 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

Thank you for the Wild Pink rec, whoever you are

Cohost comes through with an excellent music recommendation.

2022-11-21 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Harvard considered as a long-lived biological organism

What the survival of Harvard tells us about Harvard.

2022-11-19 · 9 min · Frank Hecker