Radiohead and those email addresses

In the latest of his Lefsetz Letters” (not yet online) Bob Lefsetz touches on the strategy behind Radiohead’s “pay what you want” album release: How do acts establish a direct connection with their fanbase? How do they entice listeners to join their e-mail list, with authentic e-mail addresses? That’s the number one lesson of Radiohead’s “In Rainbows.” Give away something desirable and you get the right to make contact with your fans thereafter. At MIDEM the co-manager of Radiohead said the “In Rainbows” release allowed the band to collect 3 million e-mail addresses, and ultimately play to 60,000 in San Francisco as opposed to 25,000 the previous time through. And isn’t live where it’s at? ...

2009-01-20 · 2 min · Frank Hecker