No more “Civility and Truth”

I’m renaming my blog and closing down my Substack newsletter.

2021-06-19 · 3 min · Frank Hecker

The Civility and Truth newsletter (obsolete)

In an effort to compensate for my infrequently updating this blog, in 2019 I created a Civility and Truth newsletter on the Substack platform. I never really used the site for the original purpose I envisioned, namely alerting people to new posts on this site. Instead I used it to send out articles that I really should have been posting to this site. But lately I haven’t been any more diligent in sending out new posts than I have been in updating this site. ...

2021-06-19 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

A new plan for Symphony Woods

The Inner Arbor Trust is revising its plans for Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods to reflect new realities.

2020-12-12 · 18 min · Frank Hecker

Electing the Howard County Board of Education by districts makes no sense

Yes, this is another post promoting ranked choice voting.

2020-05-15 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

Ranked choice voting questions and answers

I answer questions about ranked choice voting raised by the Howard County Charter Review Commission and others.

2020-03-04 · 11 min · Frank Hecker

A better way to elect the Howard County Council

Tweaking the council redistricting process is the wrong solution. Ranked choice voting is the right one.

2020-03-03 · 5 min · Frank Hecker

More on the 5,000 "missing" affordable housing units

A clarification on the claimed shortage of affordable housing in Howard County.

2020-01-04 · 5 min · Frank Hecker

Housing, schools, and public transportation

More thoughts on Howard County school redistricting and housing affordability.

2019-11-21 · 4 min · Frank Hecker

The case of the missing affordable housing

The story behind the claim that Howard County needs 5,000 more affordable units.

2019-11-17 · 15 min · Frank Hecker

Population density in Ellicott City, Maryland

A look at the numbers at the census block group and census block levels.

2019-10-09 · 4 min · Frank Hecker