Which areas of Howard County are most and least affluent?

I look at median household income within Howard County, Maryland, and how it has changed.

2019-07-07 · 9 min · Frank Hecker

How affluent is Howard County, really?

Looking at median household income in Howard County, Maryland, over time compared to other local jurisdictions. [UPDATED]

2019-06-02 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

How affluent is Maryland, really?

Looking at median household income in Maryland over time compared to DC and Virginia.

2019-05-27 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

Howard County 2012 income and inequality, part 2

In my previous post I discussed the very high median household income in Howard County in 2012, and noted that median household income is only part of the story: It shows how a “middle income” household is doing, but doesn’t say anything about how income is distributed among the various households. How do we measure the relative distribution of income across households, and what does this measure say about Howard County?...

2013-09-23 · 6 min · Frank Hecker

Howard County 2012 income and inequality, part 1

When I started blogging about Howard County issues just over five years ago it was in response to a post by Dennis Lane quoting Alan Klein on the “wealthy few” in Howard County. I followed that up with a two-part series on income inequality in Howard County (part 1, part 2), using US Census data. It’s therefore appropriate that I post today on the latest Census data on Howard County income figures for 2012, which were released last Thursday....

2013-09-22 · 7 min · Frank Hecker