Final thoughts on Mozilla (for now)
Updating my analysis to reflect the renewal of the Google deal.
Updating my analysis to reflect the renewal of the Google deal.
Four graphs show that almost all of Mozilla’s revenue comes from Google et al., and the majority of its expenses go to software development.
Some thoughts on Mozilla for people who don’t know Mozilla.
For those following this blog, note that I’ve changed the canonical site name from to Any links and feed URLs referencing the previous domain name will still work for the foreseeable future, but if and when you have time you may want to update your bookmark list, RSS newsreaders, and related information to reflect the new name. A little history by way of background: I was around when the Internet was first being commercialized, and I had the opportunity to register hecker....
Just a quick note to let all of you know that I’ll soon be leaving the Mozilla Foundation to take a new position as a sales engineer in the Federal sales group at IronKey. My last day at the Foundation will be Friday, December 11. Those of you with whom I worked pre-Mozilla know that this is a return to what I’ve done for most of my career (and I’ll be working with folks I’ve enjoyed working with previously)....