Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/08/04

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending August 4, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Grants. I approved a grant for enhancements to the DOM Inspector UI (this was originally submitted for the Google Summer of Code) and submitted a separate grant proposal to the Foundation board. Next action(s): Get DOM Inspector work under way, take action on other grant proposals as appropriate. ...

2006-08-04 · 2 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/07/28

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending July 28, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Security. I dealt with a mistaken report of security problems associated with the file NSSCKBI.DLL, which holds the pre-loaded root CA certificates for Firefox and other Mozilla-based products; for more information see my post to the newsgroup. ...

2006-07-31 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/07/21

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending July 21, 2006. Note that I was out of the office on vacation for most of the week. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: OSCON. Zak Greant coordinated with Brian Behlendorf re a brief “lightning” presentation on the Mozilla Foundation at OSCON 2006, but this apparently got dropped due to lack of time in the schedule. ...

2006-07-25 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Frequently asked questions about the feed icon usage guidelines

This FAQ attempts to answer a variety of questions that might be asked about the usage guidelines that we’ve proposed for the “feed icon” (also known as the “RSS icon”) that the Mozilla Foundation is promoting for use in association with open web syndication formats such as RSS and Atom. Feed icon basics What is the feed icon? The feed icon was created originally for use with the Live Bookmarks feature of the Mozilla Firefox browser. In that context the presence of the icon in association with a displayed web page indicates that information contained in the page is also available in the form of a web feed using the RSS or Atom web syndication formats. ...

2006-07-21 · 8 min · Frank Hecker

Usage guidelines for the feed icon

Earlier I posted about a proposed Mozilla Foundation approach to promoting use of the “feed icon” (also known as the “RSS icon”): As part of that approach I proposed having the Foundation (or some other organization) publish a set of usage guidelines for the feed icon as used in association with open web syndication formats such as RSS and Atom. This document contains a first draft of such proposed guidelines the (hopefully final) draft of the guidelines. ...

2006-07-21 · 7 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/07/14

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending July 14, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week; most of my time was taken up with travel and the board meeting, so not much else went on from my point of view: Certification Authorities. I approved the application from Wells Fargo for inclusion of its root CA certificate in Mozilla-based products. ...

2006-07-17 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/07/07

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending July 7, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Grants. I did a blog post about the Mozilla Foundation’s grant activities. Next action(s): Follow up on accessibility grants, and see what other grant opportunities surface in other areas. Certification Authorities. I worked on CA applications from Firmaprofesional, the Korean Information Security Agency (KISA), SwissSign, Trustis, and Wells Fargo, and approved Firmaprofesional’s application for inclusion in Mozilla-based products. ...

2006-07-10 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation grants

In past blog posts I’ve mentioned Mozilla Foundation grants that we’ve made for various purposes; in this post I go into more detail about what kind of grants we’re making, why we’re making them, and how you can be a part of it all. Foundation != Corporation First, though, let me make a critical distinction: some time ago Mitchell Baker blogged about the possibility of the Mozilla Corporation making grants and donations and more recently added more details about Mozilla Corporation plans for grants and donations. What I’m discussing here is separate from that, and involves grants by the Mozilla Foundation, not the Mozilla Corporation. ...

2006-07-08 · 5 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/06/30

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending June 30, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Accessibility grants. Still working on another accessibility grant. Next action(s): Do a blog post to update folks on grant-related activities. Certification Authorities. I worked on CA applications from Firmaprofesional, the Korean Information Security Agency (KISA), and Wells Fargo. ...

2006-07-03 · 1 min · Frank Hecker

Mozilla Foundation activities, week ending 2006/06/23

This is my report on activities of the Mozilla Foundation for the week ending June 23, 2006. Projects for the week Here’s a partial listing of what I and others at the Foundation did this past week: Feed icon. I got some more comments on the usage guidelines. Next action(s): Review all the comments I can find and publish a new version of the guidelines. Accessibility grants. Håkan Waara formally started work on the follow-on project to implement OS X accessibility changes. ...

2006-06-26 · 2 min · Frank Hecker