Democracy with Taiwanese characteristics

A review of the Taiwanese TV series Wave Makers.

2023-05-28 · 7 min · Frank Hecker

A better way to elect the Howard County Board of Education

Howard County parents and other voters deserve a way to vote for the Board of Education that truly reflects their preferences.

2023-01-28 · 15 min · Frank Hecker

Taiwan and the geopolitical uses of lesbian romcoms

Why is the Taiwanese government funding LGBTQ films and TV series?

2022-11-05 · 7 min · Frank Hecker

Expanding the five-district Howard County Council to three members per district

Another approach to expanding the Howard County Council, still using five districts but now with three members per district.

2021-10-02 · 8 min · Frank Hecker

Final thoughts on my Howard County Council redistricting proposal

In this last post of the series I talk about why I care about this, and why I did it.

2021-09-26 · 7 min · Frank Hecker