Questions about my proposal for Howard County Council redistricting deserve answers
My proposal for Howard County Council expansion has raised a lot of questions. Here are my answers.
My proposal for Howard County Council expansion has raised a lot of questions. Here are my answers.
Here’s one example of what a more open, fair, and inclusive approach to Howard County Council redistricting could produce.
A county that cares about inclusivity needs an approach to council redistricting that is open to all, transparent, as fair as possible, and not controlled by partisan interests
Let’s elect the Howard County Council in such a way that every voter has an equal chance to express their preferences and have them matter.
When we expand the Howard County Council let’s make it more reflective of the people it serves.
Let’s expand the Howard County Council to make it more responsive to the larger population it now serves.
The UK goes it alone (but not really).
Yes, this is another post promoting ranked choice voting.
I answer questions about ranked choice voting raised by the Howard County Charter Review Commission and others.
Tweaking the council redistricting process is the wrong solution. Ranked choice voting is the right one.