Expanding the five-district Howard County Council to three members per district
Another approach to expanding the Howard County Council, still using five districts but now with three members per district.
Another approach to expanding the Howard County Council, still using five districts but now with three members per district.
In this last post of the series I talk about why I care about this, and why I did it.
My proposal for Howard County Council expansion has raised a lot of questions. Here are my answers.
Here’s one example of what a more open, fair, and inclusive approach to Howard County Council redistricting could produce.
A county that cares about inclusivity needs an approach to council redistricting that is open to all, transparent, as fair as possible, and not controlled by partisan interests
Let’s elect the Howard County Council in such a way that every voter has an equal chance to express their preferences and have them matter.
When we expand the Howard County Council let’s make it more reflective of the people it serves.
Let’s expand the Howard County Council to make it more responsive to the larger population it now serves.
Now that the 2010 Maryland general election is over, the thoughts of Howard County political activists are turning to the 2014 county elections. Adding an extra twist to the conversation is the upcoming task (occasioned by the 2010 census) of redrawing district lines for national, state, and county legislative districts. I have a particular interest in redistricting as it relates to the Howard County Council, and have been doing some research into past council redistricting efforts in an effort to understand how we came to the present point. ...