
This book was created using the Electric Book workflow1 operating on a set of plain text source files written in the kramdown variant of the Markdown formatting language.2

The text for the PDF and print versions is set in a combination of CrimsonPro3 for body text and Source Sans Pro4 for display text. The text for the cover is set in Sorts Mill Goudy5 and Libre Franklin.6

The cover image was created from an original illustration by Ola Tarakanova,7 using the Pixelmator Pro image processing software.8

The Markdown files for the book’s text are available in the public repository https://​gitlab​.com​/frankhecker​/that​-type​-of​-girl, along with instructions and other files needed to create the book’s PDF and EPUB output files. Please submit suggested corrections as issues against the repository or via email to the author.

  1. “The Electric Book Template,” Electric Book Works, accessed March 21, 2020, https://​electricbookworks​.github​.io​/electric​-book​/index​.html

  2. “kramdown,” Thomas Leitner, updated January 2019, https://​kramdown​.gettalong​.org

  3. “CrimsonPro,” Jacques Le Bailly, Sebastian Kosch, et al., accessed May 19, 2020, https://​github​.com​/Fonthausen​/CrimsonPro

  4. “Source Sans Pro,” Adobe, accessed April 25, 2020, https://​github​.com​/adobe​-fonts​/source​-sans​-pro

  5. Barry Schwarz, “Sorts Mill Goudy,” Google Fonts, accessed December 7, 2021, https://​fonts​.google​.com​/specimen​/Sorts+Mill+Goudy

  6. Impallari Type, “Libre Franklin,” Google Fonts, accessed December 7, 2021, https://​fonts​.google​.com​/specimen​/Libre+Franklin

  7. Ola Tarakanova, “Watercolor Blue Flowers Stock Illustration,” iStock by Getty Images, accessed December 24, 2021, https://​www​.istockphoto​.com​/vector​/watercolor​-blue​-flowers​-gm1148509305​-310182255

  8. “Pixelmator Pro,” Pixelmator Team, accessed December 7, 2021, https://​www​.pixelmator​.com​/pro